

   2015-09-17 中国环境修复网 2940





美国最大环境修复公司AECOM和土壤检测设备制造公司THERMO FISHER的领导人在列。正在积极研发适合我国土壤地下水污染修复技术的通用电气和陶氏化学等公司领导也参与了此次公开信签名。


Dear President Obama and President Xi:

On the eve of President Xi’s state visit to the United States, we want to reiterate the importance of strong and mutually-beneficial trade and investment ties between our two ries. As the two largest economies in the world, the United States and China need a positive and enduring commercial relationship, which is an essential anchor for global economic growth.

Since China’s reform and opening up began in 1978, bilateral trade and economic relations have grown steadily to become the foundation of the US-China relationship. Our two ries now trade over $600 billion of goods and services. It is because of this robust foundation that throughout the various strains on the relationship, periods of diplomatic tension, and even a severe economic crisis, the economic relationship has endured and remained steady. We fully believe that it is in both of our ries’ interest to take the necessary steps to maintain, strengthen, and expand that relationship.

As such, we firmly support the rapid conclusion of a meaningful and high-standard Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) between our two ries. As we look at the range of issues on the bilateral agenda, a high-standard BIT – with clear provisions providing equal treatment to each ry’s investors and a short list of exceptions – is one of the key items that could make an immediate and tangible impact for both of our economies.

Just as China’s accession to the World Trade Organization in 2001 stimulated dramatic growth in bilateral trade, concluding a BIT agreement will provide greater transparency and consistency to our respective investment regimes. We believe that increased cross-border investment flows will economic growth and jobs, lending new momentum to the commercial relationship and fortifying the economic foundation already built.

We hope that significant progress can be made on this historic agreement during President Xi’s visit in September.



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