
江西SGB10 H级绝缘干式变压器

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询价 暂无
发货 江西宜春市付款后3天内
过期 长期有效
更新 2015-05-23 17:52



我厂生产的SGB10 H级绝缘干式变压器,引进国外先进技术与沈变所共同合作开发设计,产品可靠性指标达国际先进水平。该产品安全,难燃防火,无污染,可直接安装在负荷中心。免维护,安装简便,综合运行成本低,损耗少,防潮性好,可在100℃温度下正常运行,停运后不经预干燥即可投入运行。局部放电量低,噪音小,散热功能强、强迫风冷条件下可以150%额定负载运行。现已广泛用于高层建筑,商业中心、机场、车站、地铁、工厂、地下配电部、海上石油钻井平台、发电厂等各种环境及使用在条件恶劣场所。


Our SGB10 H class  insulation dry type transformer, the introduction of foreign advanced technology,working by design with Shenyang Transformer Institute , product reliability index reached the international advanced level. This product safety, fire retardant, no pollution, can be directly mounted in load center. Free maintenance, installation is simple, integrated operation cost is low, less waste, moistureproof sex good, can be in 100 ℃ temperature under normal operation, after running after the not dry can is in operation. Local put low power, the noise is small, cooling function of strong, forced air cooling conditions can be 150% rated load operation. Now widely used in high-rise buildings, business center, airport, station, subway, factory, underground power distribution department, offshore oil drilling platform, power plants, etc. Various kinds of environment and use in conditions places.

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